Well, a lot of freshers have approached me for help and shared their situation of not getting jobs because of no experience.
Here I am sharing few tips which can help you build a good resume and get the attention of a recruiter.

1. Before going on resumes- a basic mistake lot of people do is sending resumes to HR with random subject lines- Please understand HR gets 100s of emails a day.
Tip- Make sure your subject lines are Descriptive, Carries Your name and title applied.

2. Make sure your resume is properly renamed, imagine your desktop folder with multiple files named as resume.pdf, resume new, updated resume, resume 2021, my resume, etc. How HR is supposed to find your resume with such names?
Tip- Best way to rename your resume is- (Your Name-Job Title-YOE) Example- Sahil Kumar-HR Manager-4 YOE.

3. Starting with resumes- If you are a fresher, no doubt you won’t be having a lot to write, not exceeding a page and then you start putting random out-of-the-box things in your resume.
Tip- It’s alright to make a short one-pager resume if it carries all basic information.

4. Put your social URLs in your resume to make it easy for a recruiter to check your skills, projects.
Tip- Github, Behance, HackerEarth, etc (Must in case of tech graduates), Non-Techies may avoid this one.

5. Academics- Your resume must carry your College GPAs, College Name, University Name, Year of Graduation.
Tip- Recruiters usually avoid resumes with no GPA or year of graduation mentioned. This gives an idea of how academically strong you are.

6. Internship/Project mentions
Tip- Ensure avoiding one-liner details of your past internships/College projects and add a detailed description to understand your contribution. (Can even add online URLs to make a live check)

7. Skill-set/Tools or Software Knowledge
Tip- Add your top skills, tools/software knowledge in your resume, ensure those are related to the job you are applying for. Avoid adding- Written/Verbal Communication, Hard Working, Problem Solving, Managerial Skills, etc, no such recruiter focus on these in resume.

8. Awards and Achievements
Tip- Mention a few of your top achievements/awards from academics, contests, sports, other activities.

9. Proper contact details
Tip- Add your contact number, email id, and LinkedIn link to your resume. (Ensure if you’re changing your number, email id, or LinkedIn URL- The same is updated in your resume and job portal profiles as well)

10. Apply wisely
For the sake of likes/comments people nowadays make fake posts on LinkedIn by using names/pics of tops mnc’s.

3 quick resume tips for you!

1. Include metrics– Having quantifiable achievements is a great way to demonstrate how you will add to the bottom line and show why you would be valuable to the company.
2. Divide your resume into clear sections– Organizing your resume makes it easy to follow and will help the important information to stand out.
3. Proofread- An error-free resume demonstrates professionalism and attention to detail. These are 2 strengths that you want to show the hiring manager you have!

πŸ‘‰ The applicant did not seek feedback from others before submitting the resume to the recruiter. 
πŸ‘‰  The resume spills over two pages highlighting irrelevant jobs, hobbies, and information. 
πŸ‘‰ Sending the same CV to multiple job applications does no good. It is best to customize the resume by highlighting what the employer is looking for. 
πŸ‘‰ The CV is riddled with personal pronouns – β€œI”, β€œme”, β€œwe.”
πŸ‘‰ Lying or exaggerating the achievements on the resume will get one in trouble sooner than later. 
πŸ‘‰ Appropriate keywords are missing from the resume. 
πŸ‘‰ The recruiter could spot several typos and errors on the CV. 

Tip- Avoid commenting Interested, Review my profile, etc on such posts. How a recruiter is supposed to know about you or contact you with that interesting comment? Instead, send a connection request/DM to the post author with your job request and resume.
Lastly, share these tips with your fresher circle and help them prepare for jobs.
All the best for your job hunts πŸ™‚